Well it looks like Momma Nature got off her ‘tude as things are just drop dead gorgeous… but the second we give her a big atta girl, she’ll change her mind!
Hi, this is Cliff Fowler with Cantrell’s Fishing Guide Service at Pine Knot Landing with your most recent copy of Fowlers Fish Tales.
Our buds over at MWD are still re-calibrating equipment so no new “limno” this week, but lake temps are averaging 58 degrees which is a slight warming from last weeks numbers. I’m very anxious to see the clarity readings as the BIG news is this week our MWD did the alum treatment on that blue jewel. This hasn’t been done since 2004 when we were down 17 ½ feet in lake level. After a few years of drought and losing 3 feet per year in lake level to evaporation, the phosphorous levels get a little high as only water evaporates, not minerals. This was more a preventative measure so things would not get out of hand if we stayed in a drought condition. I was on the water when they were doing this treatment and it was mind blowing! When the chems went in, immediately the agua went to a clear aqua color and made you think you were in the middle of the Caribbean. The color and clarity were absolutely beautiful.
Another perk was as we trolled through the treated area, drags did sing! Don’t know whether it was they liked the water better and got feisty or they could see our presentation so much better. Whatever it was, we won’t argue.
Colors of preference this week were metallic perch, watermelon, red magic and chartreuse. The garden hackle got hit more than before which is letting us know they have a palate for something “au natural”.
Big Bear kitties are turning on the feed sack even tho the waters still a bit cool for them. Chicken livers, shrimp, mackerel, anchovies or a bag of stink will score a whisker fish for you insomniac anglers.
We’re lovin’ life here a mile and a quarter closer to heaven so grab our rod, grab your sweetie, pull up a rock and go teach a worm how to swim!
This is Cliff Fowler with Cantrell’s Guide Service signing off with your most recent copy of Fowlers Fish Tales! Cliff Fowler